Register of Sasines title research
33 commentsSasines research
Titles recorded in the Register of Sasines provide a historical account of ownership. Most property has it's own Sasine search sheet. This includes a description of the property and an account of all the transactions that have taken place on the property. It is therefore possible to see all of a property's previous owners, what they paid, whether there were any charges, etc right back to the origins of the property. Unlike the Land Register, the Sasines are description based rather than map based. To find a search sheet, requires study of the indexes to establish how and what reference the property was recorded under. A property now known by a certain house name may infact have been recorded under a plot description - something like 23 poles 15 sq yards of ground situated next to the road ........... With more customers wanting to know the origins and history of their property, we are finding that our Sasines search is becoming increasingly popular and represents excellent value at £34.00